§ This Course can be assessed by a link from the course landing page for Celestics. I have not designated it with a number of its own, but with 14 DA to indicate that is an accessory to Celestics and complementary with it, although it stands independently as a complete system on its own terms. jll Oct 2023

§ This course landing page is currently in revision. November, 2024.

Horoscope of Marilyn Monroe, one of several computer-generated formats

Welcome to a new feature on Nemeta, established on October 29, 2023 timed to the full moon of BodhiMa. You are actually on a new Course page which is not numbered like the other Courses or Vocations. The prefix ASB stands for Astrology for StarBase, henceforth to be known as Dialectic Astrology.

>Insert terrascope of MM

Dialectic Astrology uses the novel tool of the terrascope to replace the horoscope. In the computer-generated version, you see the twelve uniform sectors of the astrological signs indicated by their conventional symbols or glyphs. DA uses modified symbols for the signs, planets and aspects. These astrological signs are not star-based or star-referenced. For instance, Monroe has Saturn in the 4th house in 21 degrees of Scorpio in the computerized format. Go and look at that detail and find it.

The symbol for Saturn is a hook with a T-cross at the top. The position 21 SCO is not in the star-patterns observable in the night sky. The signs are starless sectors of the sky, like the world time zones. In Celestics, Monroe’s Saturn actually stands against the background of the constellation of the Balance, or Scales — to be precise, at the fulcrum of the Scales. The Scales  is a mythopoetic engram or celestial archetype used in Celestics. DA uses the conventional twelve signs, not the constellations. More on the difference below.

Course 14 Celestics features the unique system of “forensic astrology” developed by the Maine professor over decades of research and astrological consulting. It is a system using mythopoetic images based on the observable constellations,  contrasted to the starless signs of conventional astrology. Precious few astrologers know about the difference between signs and constellations, and the public at large has no concept of this distinction.That being so, it is appropriate to open this Course with a clear description of the two systems and what they each offer to seekers of self-knowledge.

WHO You Are versus WHAT You Are

The two systems stand on independent standards, use different tools and techniques, and, most importantly,  each has its own unique purpose. Celestics can be learned and applied in total exclusion of the tools and techniques of conventional astrology. The sun-sign personality types and other features of  the horoscope, such as planetary aspects and houses, do not play into Celestics at all. Celestics is mythographic and biographic. It uses the language of stellar mythology to investigate the record of exceptional human achievement throughout history, but not merely for the purpose of research. Rather, it applies the research to present-day cases, people living today. It shows how your biography, encoded in the star-patterns, carries themes and impulses developed to a level of mastery and excellence by others in the past.

The leading premise of Celestics is simple: each individual living today receive an inheritence, not only from blood-line relatives, but also, and even more so, from individuals who lived in the past with whom there is link by geneological ancestry. There is however a genomic link that operates through the 95% of DNA not involved in chromosomal permutations. This factor of genomic inheritence is called the endowment. Celestics asserts that you are endowed with a unique set of innate talents and creative capacities derived from the experience of high-achieving individuals in the past (calle exemplars).

In short, Celestics shows you WHAT you are. Namely, the beneficiary of an inheritence that comes from the human species as a whole rather then from your geneological blood-line.

Dialectic Astrology, on the other hand, shows you WHO you are. The tag-line for ASB comes from Nietzsche, who asserted a calling: “Become who you are.” So, who are you, distinguished from what you are? The who of you, to put it rather comically, is the personality living in a social setting. It is your mundane and conventional identity.

John Lamb Lash ©. All rights reserved.