The Menhir is the current events/update page for Nemeta—like a campus bulletin board you find in the “student union” building. Entries posted in reverse chronological order can be found with most recent at the top for fast access.

The Menhir

The Menhir is the unique page in Nemeta that tracks and displays the ongoing activities of the School. Here you find the announcement of updates on newly added material, completed Blocks, revisions, talks and texts in progress, proposals of projects, events and meet-ups, and more. This introduction continues below the updates.

Please note: Ensure you are enrolled on the relevant courses to obtain direct access to internal unit links published on The Menhir.

Faculty and guests may have noticed that theme songs have been chosen for some but not all courses. For the School itself, the Maine Professor has chosen THIS ONE.


Friday 25th July 2024: There is a glitch with access to The Treehouse forum from the Faculty drop-down menu. Until the glitch is ironed out or rectifies itself, use this:

Wednesday 24th July 2024: New unit published in 10 Mythophrenia:

10 Wicked Wit

Tuesday 23rd July 2024: JLL posted in The Ear Miss, faculty forum.

Monday 22nd July 2024: Revised astrological symbol for Leo. Sun transits this sign (not the constellation of the Lion!) from July 23rd to August 23rd.

A flaming seed composed of a spiral rising to a point. Seed of humanity in the human heart, but the husk of the seed may be enclosed in the ego or single-self identity. The power of true empathy released when the ego does not block it.

This completes the full set of twelve astrological symbols (glyphs) proceeding from Virgo last year.

Sunday 21st July 2024: From a member of the ground force currently posted at Lake Constance in Germany, close to the town of Eschenbach, birthplace of Wolfram.

There might have been things I missedBut don’t be unkindIt don’t mean I’m blindPerhaps there’s a thing or twoI think of lying in bedI shouldn’t have saidBut there it is
You see it’s all clearYou were meant to be hereFrom the beginning
Maybe I might have changedAnd not been so cruelNot been such a foolWhatever was done is doneI just can’t recallIt doesn’t matter at all
You see it’s all clearYou were meant to be hereFrom the beginning

§ In view of developments since the event of a week ago, I reckon it might be appropriate to revisit this talk by William Luther Pierce from 1983. It addresses the question of how patriotism and the so-called right wing agenda fit into a larger cosmic perspective which Pierce called “theocosmicism,” if I recall correctly. It also resonates in an uncanny way to my own (perhaps self-indulgent) brooding during my recent month-long stay in the safe house in Belgium. Listening to it, I felt at points that Pierce was articulating despairing concerns that arise “in the darkness,” which for me is a not a negative trope, of course.

Pierce called his political party the National Alliance. Our venture might be called the Sophianic Alliance. It is also a theocosmic perspective but grounded in the immediate source rather than a remote idealized cosmic source. I suggest that what he calls immortal can be approached more clearly and existentially as immemorial. What we can each achieve and leave as a legacy for others is an immemorial contribution, although no one who adds to it, or enhances and advances it, is immortal, or needs to be. As I have said, death united with love is the instrumental event for passage of command.

Note at 13m 19s: Orion Rising

Out of the Darkness (1983). You may have trouble finding this talk. Algorithms do not allow a copy and paste of the URL, and the search engine does not go there. of the Darkness:3

Saturday 20th July 2024: In 18 Breaking Nous Audio on Trump Shooting:

18 Backblast: When Matangi Plays the Trump Card

Friday 19th July 2024: I expect that you may be wondering about my view of the failed assassination attempt last Saturday. It happened when I was in Belgium during a sequence of rather extraordinary events involving the weather and bursts of DI which continued through Monday when I flew out for Spain.

Where do I start? I could offer many observations and insights that have come up rapidly in the last six days. However, I choose to concentrate on two points related to things I’ve said in the past which, seen in the light of the Saturday the 13th event and its repercussions, might appear to be prescient.

First, I’ve often advised since the GNE to watch Jupiter for guidance in Correction because its passage through the constellations represents the primary lessons to be learned, moment to moment. At the exact time of the event, Jupiter was in exact conjunction (E 70′) with Aldebaran in the Eye of the Bull. Note that a few days after the disastrous Trump-Biden debate, Biden said, “We’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put a bullseye on Trump.” Well, the shooting put a bullseye on Trump, indeed, but in the larger sense, and larger consequences, it also aimed public attention to that event in a way that immediately exposed the gaslighting of the leftist mainstream media which until now has applied the Mephisto Rule, You are not allowed to see what is not there to see. In effect, it blew up the ovens of gaslighting. Consequently, the mainstream media and the entire left are now targeted for exposure and opposition in a way never before seen in history. And it’s a long way from over. Consider the velocity and magnitude of what is coming into view for public scrutiny, even on the mainstream media itself, observed by growing millions of people in just six days.

Something else I said in the past relating to current events: We will know with certainty when the advantage turns to truth in Correction when it is no longer possible to conceal or distort what is actually happening in the world drama. And something else I said more recently, about breaking through the membrane of the Tonal, the theatre of ordinary life. In my mind, I associated that prospect with a flashpoint, a trigger event, and during my time in Belgium my rigpa was ideating furiously on what that could be. Almost as if I felt it coming or felt the urgency that it must happen soon. And in a few days, it did.

The second main topic that I have treated extensively in the past is the theme of divine intervention, one of the top five themes in world mythology. Consequent to the shooting, voices on the legacy media and alternative platforms began to pronounce those words with a kind of mantric intensity. It has shifted from being a mytheme into a popular meme, literally overnight. Needless to say, the vast majority of pro-Trump MAGA devotees of the Christian faith will see the failure of the shooting to be an act of their God, thus reinforcing the reliance on religious fantasy, the malware of the Zaddikim. I am looking carefully into how I might counter that development, or even if I will try.

‘Nuff said, for the moment…

Sunday 7th July 2024:

Day 1 of Tantra Mother Shift 2024

It appears that JLL is still on this list: Comparative Mythologists

Consistent with a theme of the Crab, organization into organic categories, it would be fair to say that the calling of a comparative mythologist is precisely that. However, the task is ultimately impossible and no one has ever fully accomplished it, or ever will. Campbell’s work is perhaps the most comprehensive. Eliade is not on the list, but should be. Across this entire genre, there is one standard of evaluation to apply: how the compilation of material stands against the defining points drawn from it, the takeaway. What is the takeaway of Campbell’s four volumes of The Masks of God, for instance, or Frazer’s The Golden Bough?

JLL comments: I distinguish my contribution by the compilation of the FGS and the takeaway of that narrative, PT. You can define PT as the application of the Sophianic narrative, hence, directive mythology based on the concept of interactivity between the primary agency in the narrative and the human participant. However, the program of participation is an option that may not appeal to the liking or disposition of everyone who “gets” the narrative.

Block 7 of 15. G N E published.

In DOG ZEN, audio synopsis added to The Light of the Mind.

Monday 1st July 2024: In 6. Living Myth:

6 The Return of Eurydice

Wednesday 26th June 2024: A Message from the Safe House in Belgium:

How does the emergent complexity of interoperativity with Gaia impact and direct your life?

The sun enters the sign Cancer, not the constellation of the Crab, at the solstice on June 21st and transits it until July 23rd when it enters Leo, not the constellation of the Lion. Redesigned symbol for Cancer: the generative spiral of  chaotic turbulence in natural order, suggesting the chambered nautilus or the cypher of Khepera, the Egyptian dung beetle. The action of emergent complexity in which singularity, indicated by the pointing arm, arises from a predictable pattern of order. The matrix of exceptional choice and change.

Sunday 9th June 2024: D3 of the Idris Shift:

A Cue from the Director on the Set of Cosmic Projection [Audio Download]:

Friday 7th June 2024:

Day 1 of Idris Shift 2024

Thursday 6th June 2024: I know I’m pretty insane but sometimes I go all-out and enjoy it to the max. That happens whenever I listen to Stravinsky. Not everyone’s cup of tea, for sure. At the debut of The Rite of Spring in Paris in 1913 there was a riot in the audience, people got into violent fist-fights, and some left the theater screaming. Not recommended for the faint-of-heart, or it may simply be that musical taste, which differs with everyone, rules out the disposition to listen to this particular mad genius of Russian Romanticism. Or as I call it, Rush-in, Rush-Out Romanticism.

Today I happened to come across something I had missed. Stravinsky’s Firebird is another work of his high period when he composed symphonies and ballets based on Russian folk themes.

The Firebird (French: L’Oiseau de feu; Russian: Жар-птица, romanized: Zhar-ptitsa) is a ballet and orchestral concert work by the Russian composer Igor Stravinsky. It was written for the 1910 Paris season…  based on the Russian fairy tales of the Firebird and the blessing and curse it possesses for its owner. It was first performed at the Opéra de Paris on 25 June 1910 and was an immediate success, catapulting Stravinsky to international fame and leading to future Diaghilev–Stravinsky collaborations including Petrushka (1911) and The Rite of Spring (1913). This is his high period.

The Firebird‘s mortal and supernatural elements are distinguished with a system of leitmotifs placed in the harmony dubbed “leit-harmony”. Stravinsky intentionally used many specialist techniques in the orchestra, including ponticello, col legno, flautando, glissando, and flutter-tonguing. Set in the evil immortal Koschei’s castle, the ballet follows Prince Ivan, who battles Koschei with the help of the magical Firebird.

The orchestra, get this:

What pleased my insanity so deeply in this discovery was the surprize of the conductor, Valery Gergiev. Having gotten totally hooked on his handling of Scheherezade, composed by Rimsky-Korsakoff, Stravinsky’s teacher, Ceridwen and I have followed his astonishing career and eccentric life closely. I have often used the word Daemonic, the equivalent to Duende. If you want to see the Daemonic in action, watch Gergiev (volume down if Stravinsky gets on the wrong side of your nerves) and you might wonder, as I do, how it is possible for a human animal to handle such intensity with composure, not to say the millisecond precision required to conduct this monstrosity of “orchestral coloration,” as it is called.

This performance is absolutely magisterial. It inspires me to get around to entering some exemplars in the Celestics course to illustrate how the system works through detecting genomic matches. A genomic match happens when a planet/constellation nexus such as Neptune in the Ram/Phoenix/Firebird (Stravinsky) translates a myth, theme, or concept that matches the known achievement of the exemplar. Sixteen matches are possible. Stravinsky ranks at about 11.

I won’t mind if anyone cannot stand this music. I am confident that you all can find your own affirmation of insanity elsewhere. But if you can stand it, I will be right there with you listening. No one conducts like Gergiev. Not even close.

Tuesday 4th June 2024: JLL back on Yt: Allogenes, The Stranger: The Mutation of A-11 and JLL Reading Allogenes

Sunday 2nd June 2024: Stand clear and steady for  a unique moment for correction in the real-time drama of world events. “The outcome of the world-drama turns on one life at a time.” #Idaho4

On January 22, 2013, eleven years ago during the GNE, I described how handling the sheaf of  Matangi’s blade was as important as handling the blade itself. I recall distinctly that it seemed to me at the time an odd thing to say, even rather uncanny, but the compulsion to say it was overwhelming. I thought, “Is there some point here I am making which is not actually clear to me, some purpose yet to be revealed?” That was my exact question. Now it turns out that the meme of sheath-and-blade is forefront in an event that has caught the attention of the entire world, and divided public opinion in a way that has not been seen since the case of Lee Harvey Oswald.

I submit that the Idaho state’s case against Bryan Christopher Kohberger is the paramount and ultimate game-changing chit-test in this experiment. It has unfolded since Neptune hit the Matangi Point where it still hovers nearby, due to return there and turn stationary direct in December, 2024. This chit-test goes to the ability to discern the difference between tampered, planted, and missing evidence on the crime scene and genuine and veracious evidence, both circumstantial and material. This case is the focal crime scene of the world drama right now. It presents the opportunity to see that there is in reality, no evidence against the accused. Mephisto Rule: “You are not allowed to see what is not there to see.” To pass the chit-test, “Show me the evidence” is  the command of the moment. VV herself does not resist or refuse this command. To her it is an imperative demand that cannot be ignored.

As I have often said, you know that the advantage goes to truth in Correction provably when the media-driven narrative can no longer conceal what is actually happening. The gift of the sheath is the power to use the Matangi Eye to see what has been hidden and can no longer be concealed.

In the Treehouse:

Rare 33 Years Old Footage of JLL Interview in Santa Fe

Saturday 1st June 2024: It occurs to me that I may have reported innacurately on the timeframe of this lunar shift. For the record:

new moon Wednesday 8 May 4:21 UTC > May 9 = D1 of Tara/Bhudevi shift
new moon Thursday June 6 13:37 UTC > June 7 = D1 of Idris shift, coming

This link is a good tool for tracking the lunar phases which allows you to set the timing for your locale:

We are currently at D25 in completion for this shift which concludes on the 6th of June. The sunset crescent for the Idris shift will be observable on the evening of Friday the 7th or Saturday the 8th of June.


May 2024 School Activity now archived to The Menhir’s curriculum units: The Menhir May 2024


The Home Story (FGS)

For the Fallen Goddess Scenario (FGS) free online course in 9 episodes, visit Sophianic Myth | The Fallen Goddess Scenario


Dog Zen



Introduction to The Menhir, Continued:

Notifications sent out via the Mailing List to both Members and Subscribers will also inform you of these ongoing activities. This page mirrors those periodic announcements by email and in some cases alerts you to new content, be it talk or text, that gets omitted from the announcements due to the rapidity and fluidity of John’s ongoing efforts to amplify the curricula, refine and reframe the content, and provide clear and “simplific” direction for your studies.

Announcements at the Menhir consistently track progressing content throughout the School and in 16. Planetary Tantra, free to all. It will also signal content on 18. Breaking Nous, and 17. The Terma and the Terton, available to Members only.

The sacred groves where the Mysteries were originally performed were sanctuaries of natural beauty where rocks and mineral formations were carefully observed. There might be a special rock at the boundary of the sanctuary, as there was a “stepping stone” on Infinity Ridge:

There it was a flat stone (barely visible in this photo) on the left at the base of the wild olive standing offside the welcome grove. When you stepped on it you formally entered the ritual space of the Ridge, then proceeding through the gracious arboreal corridor to the Devi Tree. (Sierra del Hacho, Andalucia. Sierra de Libar to the right, northwest)

In many cases, sacred stone markers were erected in the wild sanctuaries. A single standing stone was called a menhir (Brythonic maen, “stone” and hir, “long”). An arresting geomagnetic marker in the force field of the nemeton, the menhir had acoustic properties as well. Touching it, you could hear differently. Sitting in contact with it would deepen the shaman’s reach into the Nagual. It also served as a geodetic marker for placing the local site in the setting of seasonal cycles, aligned to the solstices and equinoxes, the cross-quarter days, and the rising and setting of prominent stars. Hence, it was a multi-purpose tool of orientation.

It is advisable to check the Menhir for orientation on Nemeta from time to time. Below you will find entries listed in reverse chronological order, most recent at top for easy access. This list will grow and morph in the course of each month. At the completion of each month, the activity recorded will be archived in the curriculum panel: “ARCHIVES”

One final word: I do wish to keep Nemeta supplied with occasional fresh input, additional to what it requires of me to maintain the burgeoning structure, the ongoing organization of the Blocks, editing, revision, etc. But I can only do what I can do, and as it pleases me… Time is at premium for me now and I have undertaken a writing project, the consummation of my life’s work and the closing revelation of my mystic journey.

Teach as you learn

– jll Autumn Equinox 2018



Course Curriculum

The Menhir June 2024 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir May 2024 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir April 2024 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir March 2024 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir February 2024 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir January 2024 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir December 2023 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir November 2023 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir October 2023 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir September 2023 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir August 2023 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir July 2023 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir June 2023 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir May 2023 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir April 2023 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir March 2023 16:39:00
The Menhir February 2023 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir January 2023 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir December 2022 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir November 2022 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir October 2022 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir September 2022 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir August 2022 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir July 2022 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir June 2022 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir May 2022 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir April 2022 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir March 2022 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir February 2022 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir January 2022 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir December 2021 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir November 2021 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir October 2021 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir September 2021 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir August 2021 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir July 2021 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir June 2021 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir May 2021 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir April 2021 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir March 2021 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir February 2021 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir January 2021 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir December 2020 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir November 2020 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir October 2020 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir September 2020 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir August 2020 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir July 2020 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir June 2020 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir May 2020 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir April 2020 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir March 2020 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir February 2020 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir January 2020 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir December 2019 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir November 2019 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir October 2019 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir September 2019 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir August 2019 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir July 2019 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir June 2019 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir May 2019 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir April 2019 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir March 2019 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir February 2019 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir January 2019 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir December 2018 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir November 2018 Unlimited
The Menhir October 2018 1012 years, 10 months
The Menhir Sept 2018 1012 years, 10 months
  • FREE
  • Number of Units70
Generated with Passion and Intention.  Copyright John Lamb Lash. 2018 - 2024.