• IanK216 posted an update in the course The Menhir 1 year, 2 months ago

    I have no idea where I stand in the minds’ of the creators of this school. I am not yet in a place in my life where I can afford to care about this, but I feel worried that the love of power could outweigh the love of the planet or the ability to work with others that truly care about connecting with the (animistic) nature. I feel like there’s an aura of fear surrounding the environment for those that want and need to learn. I see this school as being a sort of ever-changing reflection of the heart of John Lamb Lash. I hope that he understands that we are mostly all students that have heard his insights, knowledge, methods, experiences, etc..and have connected with his words in their minds and their hearts. I love the idea of being a warrior for the planet, but I fear that the love of being a powerful warrior–while being necessary to being directed to the outside world–may cause the necessary teachings to become mute to many people that need to learn them. I hope that this school does not become too exclusive before gaining the amount of followers necessary to have a lasting impact in history.

    I believe from the bottom of my heart that JLL may bery well be “the revealer” (I believe this is the term used in the Nag Hammadi to describe the one that would breathe the renewed fire of life into “gnosticism” after thousands of years of this paradigm’s perceived death in our world society. Due to this belief, I find myself both–rooting for John and his faculty but also expecting impeccability from this school in it’s ability to reach the minds of as many people as possible that may be in a current, confusing state-of-being between committing to helping society and committing to helping the planetary mother. I choose my mother, everytime, but immediately afterward, or maybe because of that choice, I feel compelled to find a way to rally as many people as possible behind the cause and perspective of a more anti-tech, pro-nature way of looking at their own individual lives. I am rooting for Nemeta and/through John to be successful in helping empower the spirit of nature we call PAM. When it comes down to it, in the end, that is the only thing that matters to me. How effective can Nemeta be in–not seeking personal or group power–but achieving a permanent planetary/animistic empowerment. I don’t know if these thoughts are just for me or if they are shared with anyone else, but I do not want to worry about possibly becoming an enemy of the people I am coming to for help and guidance. I believe it would be a grave error to “split the vote” for our future. I know this system has the most benefits to offer people looking to commit themselves to returning to a state of reverence for the spirit of Planet Earth. Maybe I am just frustrated that I am not able to fully dedicate myself to Nemeta. So I am only able to view very thin slices of the school’s developing identity, and I have to use my intuition based on these few–less than ideal–exchanges. You must forgive me for any ignorances I express, because I will never break my connection to the path of seeking nor my core connection to the spirit that communicates directly to me in definite subtleties (that I will, without a doubt, continually learn to better understand this communication–either through instruction or trial and error..hopefully through both methods.