Paul James O'Connor replied to the topic Diachronic Amnesia from GNE Nav breifing;02 March 2012.. in the forum The Rookie Room 1 week, 3 days ago
Greetings Banithe,in the nav breifing;from the GNE series,one of a selection available to listen to.JLL made the observation that we for example have no memory or surviving records that reveal the function and purpose of the pyramids of Egypt….the assumption being made and almost universally excepted,that they were tombs for royalty. This is…[Read more]
Paul James O'Connor started the topic Diachronic Amnesia from GNE Nav breifing;02 March 2012.. in the forum The Rookie Room 1 week, 6 days ago
Just listened to the “Ultimate Threat” nav briefing by JLL from 02 March 2012,on Gaiaspora.org.The subject of Diachronic Amnesia has prompted two questions; we the Anthropine species in this experiment of Gaia Sophia have been endowed with exceptional story making skills-preserved in both oral and written forms.Is this is a “safety net” for…[Read more]
Paul James O'Connor replied to the topic The Portal to Celestics.org : Introduction in the forum The Rookie Room 1 month ago
Read the introduction again,and l am finding my comprehension of Celestics improves.On first reading some of it is a bit daunting to a newbie,but re-reading definitely helps.(Actually l have lost count the number of times l read NIHI) Anyway l have found a few typo’s……
1.Section;The Horoscope Revealed…..Line 1; “tablet encoded- “ith” should…[Read more]
Paul James O'Connor replied to the topic The Portal to Celestics.org : Introduction in the forum The Rookie Room 1 month, 1 week ago
The purpose and use of Celestics,including the creation of an individuals Manifold;is in the context of the framing narrative of the FGS and optimal transpersonal purpose in Her Correction….My question is if an individual coming from a Tropical Astrology background were to engage learning Celestics,can they do so independantly from the FGS and…[Read more]
Paul James O'Connor replied to the topic The Portal to Celestics.org : Introduction in the forum The Rookie Room 1 month, 1 week ago
Took me about 35 minutes to read,admittedly Astrology was never a keen interest of mine,but from what l have learned from your introduction and other references on Nemeta,Celestics takes celestial divination to a whole new level. And l think you are right on the money with tactic 2….
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