• Whacko!

    18 years … wisdom steers

    beauty builds …. as so does cheers.

    Thanks Nagual John, for bothering to bother and plow through all this bother.

    A toast to you and the beautness incoming!

  • The communiity/communist lovin’ ‘hoper’ around the 3.17min…….. hoping to survive on hope. The dopes on the ropes are hanging directly over the never was abyss, soon all ties to lies will be severed.

    Dreamer calls to us as we live stream responsively. Our ability to respond is building. Wisdom’s pot of milk is on her boil.  She’s so hot to…[Read more]

  • I love this quote from near the end of the video as well:

    “There must have been physical cause for this great change; and it must have been a cause capable of acting almost simultaneously over large portions of the earth’s surface”.

    – Everything is material

  • Beautiful Anna. A picture warms the heart ……….. a reel time sighting offers the joy of seeing.

    I always imagine that when each of us first sees the new shift’s crescent, excitement ramps up way more than a popular stock on wall Street ……….. without the empty promissory notes that fall to the ground ……. chortle.

    All over Sophia’s…[Read more]

  • Ahoy there Young English Bloke,

    You said: “but what about individual interaction with plasma…?? What else is experiencing the OL but a concentrated and personal interaction with plasma. A11 anyone?”.

    Love it.

    You ping me to our individual relationships with Sophia that John has spoken about and Nietzsche’s idea of living life as an artist ……[Read more]

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