• What an amazing sight.  Instant emotion, instant tears.  The irrepressible instinct of the Mother.   Thank you, Olivia.

  • Melovia replied to the topic LO QUE SALTA 2.0 in the forum The Rookie Room 1 week, 3 days ago

    Re The Eternal Return…..  Such an evocative image.

    “What we are eating now grown out of our experience to date is shaping our future”  (Right loop past, left loop future)


  • Student started course 2 Sophianic Cosmology 4 weeks, 1 day ago

    Student Ludilon started the course 2 Sophianic Cosmology

  • Melovia replied to the topic LO QUE SALTA in the forum The Rookie Room 1 month ago

    This ‘story line’ of double stars that seems to contain a Grail narrative or instruction I now also note is exactly opposite, on the ecliptic, Andromeda and the Double, when considered as a group (222+204+190) vs 28 Ecl.

    Again, very much looking forward to reading your latest Grail Legend insights, John, when published!

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