• Je t’ai répondu pour ton autre message, mais concernant la traduction heureusement ça a déja été traduit par Dominique Guillet.

    John lamb lash m’a répondu en disant que le titre français est “la passion de la terre” . J’aime bien ce titre, c’est mieux que “pas en son image”. Et ça pourrait dissonner plus que résonner avec la célèbre passion du…[Read more]

  • Olivier replied to the topic LO QUE SALTA in the forum The Rookie Room 3 months ago

    I ordered “la passion de la terre”. I like NIHI, but in french it will be more confortable.

    Thank you John and Ceridwen

    Merci à Dominique Guillet.

  • Olivier replied to the topic LO QUE SALTA in the forum The Rookie Room 3 months, 1 week ago


    Is there someone who can inform me about the translation of “not in his image” in French please.

    To me it makes sense, it is translated in Japanese, the French speaking community is large and not very skilled in reading English (so am I), so I would appreciate if someone can tell me about a possible existing or coming French…[Read more]

  • Hello

    I Hope I’m on the right forum to discuss and act about getting “not in his image” translated in french.


    I would like to participate in offering the french speaking people (which are not skilled in English for the majority) to read in their language a translation of NIHI.

    I’m not the best translator one can expect, I’m not a translator…[Read more]

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