• Pobzy replied to the topic LO QUE SALTA 2.0 in the forum The Rookie Room 56 minutes ago

    Hello Paul, thank you. No, as far as we understand homeschooling is completely ruled out here, we would like to move back to Scotland, where I am originally from, and where there is no mandatory jab and actually homeschooling is still an option. It’s only proving to be very difficult for my German man to get a visa, we do have a few years left to…[Read more]

  • Thank you Dolma that’s great to have all those videos together, appreciate that!

  • On the subject of GNM might I take the opportunity to jump in with a question. Is there anyone here from Germany with knowledge on how to navigate the ‘mandatory’ MMR jab for children of school age? Our little one still has a good few years before school but I am really looking for people who can give me advice on how to avoid the straffe brigade…[Read more]

  • Hello John

    I’ve looked at the visitors forum fairly regularly over the last few years, never commented but have found some discussion on subjects interesting and I have picked up information that was useful, in particular Dolma’s Dakini Shift entries which have helped me to build up a handwritten book I am compiling on each Goddess for my own…[Read more]

  • Student finished unit 2 years, 8 months ago

    Student Pobzy finished the unit 16 How Your Feeling of Humanity Must Change in course 16 Planetary Tantra

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