• Hence the need to monkey wrench A.I now, in its seminal (dare I use that term) stages of development. <span style=”text-align: right;”>Note that in my comment, I used phrases such as “moderately substantial” and “appropriate and accurate”.</span>

    “I.A” is shorthand for Indispensable Addendum”.

    Bad literary produce, in the form of plagiarism and…[Read more]

  • pyr sowelu replied to the topic Red Heifer sacrifice in the forum Treehouse Forum 10 months ago

    Moderator: Not sure if this was posted previously. If so feel free to remove it.

    A counter-sorcery took place some months ago when a Xenosh agent,
    unknown as far as this Tic-Toc style short on YT is concerned, had organised the
    lighting of the full array of seven candles of a Morona, I mean Menora, and left them
    burning in a lobby of the Polish…[Read more]

  • He is right about A.I being fake due to it is derived of already existent software developments and used by appendaged workforces straining their brain analysing cctv or extracting from search engines like ordinary technology users do..


    Informing, yet being apologist nonetheless less, at the end of his video YTChannelman Sasha Yansin assures…[Read more]

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