• I read over the Portal to Celestics in about 10 minutes. I must say though that I went through quickly and will have to go over it again. As you say there is a lot here. I had trouble with the font as it was not dark enough.

    I found the Rimsite to Don Mclean very difficult to read in contrast to the Rimsite. This is very easily read.

    With this…[Read more]

  • sangay replied to the topic LO QUE SALTA 2.0 in the forum The Rookie Room 1 month, 1 week ago

    I am currently ingaged in the Gnostic Sabotague series. One of the deepest series I have come across in my three main studies.

    Due to the cureent state of the United States I have a deep feeling that I have to do a much better job with the KWP. There are several in the current so called leaders. here, that need to be the brunt of many SC …[Read more]

  • Student started course 7 Poetic Craft 2 months ago

    Student sangay started the course 7 Poetic Craft

  • sangay replied to the topic LO QUE SALTA 2.0 in the forum The Rookie Room 2 months, 1 week ago

    The Friday 15th November 2024: Menhir post on Pagen Europe and your concern JLL, Let It Go!

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