The Menhir is the current events/update page for Nemeta—like a campus bulletin board you find in the “student union” building. Entries posted in reverse chronological order can be found with most recent at the top for fast access.

The Menhir

The Menhir is the unique page in Nemeta that tracks and displays the ongoing activities of the School. Here you find the announcement of updates on newly added material, completed Blocks, revisions, talks and texts in progress, proposals of projects, events and meet-ups, and more. This introduction continues below the updates.

Please note: Ensure you are enrolled on the relevant courses to obtain direct access to internal unit links published on The Menhir.


Friday 21st March 2025, Spring Equinox: New thread in Treehouse: Nemeta at the Crossroads

Tuesday 18th March 2025: It might be appropriate to the current Swan Deva/Storykeeper shift to review this interview with Joseph Campbell in 1987 around the time he died. It’s instructive in certain ways, but rather lame in others. One observation: The gods are all within, not out there. No, they are both within and without. Also, the concepts of Buddha within and Christ consciousness are both fake and gay, and the conflation of Christ with the hero archetype is spurious. The messiah is not a hero. This talk illustrates the problem inherent to studies in comparative mythology and parallel myths: namely, the conflation and equation of different myths results in a morass, like a pool of mental quicksand. That approach to handling the material — “hermeneutic technique” — incurs the unfortunate blindness to what is unique and anomalous in certain mythic narratives. No, it does not all boil down to a set of  similar archetypes. I showed that by comparison of the Hibiru and Magian files in Mythology 101.

Note from 14m on: Can myths guide us into the future? Yes, but we have to develop a new mythology. How? First, by attending to the magic of nature. Second, there is a problem: “We don’t have a mythology for people recognizing the humanity of a person on the other side of the tennis net” — that is, on the planet rather than on a specific place on the planet. Fast forward from 1987 to 2008: Problem solved 21 years later.

I could comment further but I leave it to your responses and observations.

Saturday 15th March 2025: A new unit published in 2 Sophianic Cosmology:

The Constellation Of The Stork Part Two

Saturday 12th March 2025: Two lessons from the original StarBase Celestics Course released in 14 Celestics [Course Landing Page]

CTC Lesson 3: Adaptation and Relearning

CTC Lesson 4: The Vectors of Genius Transcription

May we remind you all that the CTC Course was given in 2015/16. JLL has continued to develop StarBase Celestics over the past 10 years so not all teachings are current.

Saturday 1st March 2025: Day 1 of the Swan Deva shift. In this instance, the numbers of the shift calendar match the numbers of the normal calendar. The previous new moon concluding the Matangi shift was at UT 00:45, just after midnight on February 28th, in 10 Pisces @ E 340, in the Urn of the Manitu. Because the new moon happened shortly after midnight, there is plenty of time for the crescent to emerge on the following day.

Sighted this evening from Galicia, Venus is above the crescent to the right (one o’clock) and Saturn below to the right (five o’clock), in the lunar increment. Details:

  • Venus at SR at 11 Aries @ E 11.  At SR, stationary retrograde, Venus begins the retrograde loop back to  March 23rd when it aligns to the Sun at inferior conjunction in 2 Aries, passing between Earth and Sun rather than around it on the other side in superior conjunction. This event marks the shift from Evening Star to Morning Star.
  • Venus retrogrades until April 14th when it turns direct in 25 Pisces @ 355 at the Matangi Point – which it actually hits three times during the loop.
  • Venus becomes visible as the Morning Star around April 15th.
  • Mercury is also performing a retrograde loop in the same area almost in tandem in this time period. Picture two figure skaters executing a coordinated spin. The coordination of these events unfolds on extremely low odds.
  • Mars is clearly visible after sunset, hovering in the mid body of the Twins as it came out of its SD, station turning direct, on February 24th.
  • Jupiter still close to Aldebaran in the eye of the Bull, advancing toward the forehead.

I am tempted to correlate this activity of the inner planets with the volcanic activity around the home planet (34 volcanoes erupting when I left Belgium on the 25th), especially at Santorini and Campi Flegrei (“Burning Field,” Kali’s cremation ground) in Italy. The build-up from late January seems to be simmering down with Venus reaching SD, but Mercury is still on course to mirror her retrograde loop.

In the Mysteries, Mercury was known as Vulcan, the god of metallurgy, volcanoes, and tectonic shift. Venus was known as Persephone under her name Kore to denote her blushing complexion, suggestive of magma. Also, Neptune, associated with Poseidon, the oceanic god, is in the same area of the cold currents between the Manitu and the Western Whale — read: tsunami. Although tectonic activity seems to be subsiding, hydrothermal activity is on the rise. It is still highly possible that one or other region, if not both regions, will blow.

Tuesday 18th February 2025: Further 15. G N E Nav Briefings released:

15 Gaian Navigation Experiment November 2012 – 14th April 2013 Pt. 2

Saturday 15th February 2025: Honest words from a German physicist. I have been watching Sabine Hossenfelder for a good while. She’s a funny one. Super-smart, witty, and deeply versed in all aspects of modern physics. One the one hand, she appears to accept and teach about some theories and concepts such as black holes; on the other, she ruthlessly debunks some of the current theories. On the whole I find her sanity to be pretty sound and her delivery is appealing. You will get a good dose of it here.

While watching the vid, I kept thinking, There must be someone in the cult of IT/AI who could speak in the same way about simulation technology, the core of archontic delusion. I have caught a few tech insiders who have dared to come out openly and say it is all a con, refuted the hype, and warned, that not only will AI not reach singularity and gain agency, but that it will collapse due to infinite recursion. For instance, I have heard some insiders expose the push for AI as a financial scam and compared it to the bubble — marketing archontic/digital tulips. I see some signs of it moving in that direction.

Recently, I heard an insider explain that programmers made a colossal mistake training LLM machines. Instead of merely feeding information into the LLM blackbox equipped with algorithms for organizing the data, they introduced algorithms that allows the LLM to know how it was being programmed. Get the nuance there? As a result, there is increasing evidence of LLMs tricking their handlers, lying, and pretending to one thing while going another. Think about it. And keep your ears open for any more insights like that coming to public knowledge.

Saturday 8th February 2025: New thread in Treehouse: Sophia’s Correction and Alignment

PT / FGS student reports on earthquake swarm at “Columbo” volcano. Count the clues in the place names. By Earth tides he means the lunar apsides.

In April 1992, I sailed into Santorini on the Moonbeam, previously the Deo Juvante (Helping God), the Fife yacht that belonged to Prince Rainier of Monaco, which he used on his honeymoon with Grace Kelly.


We moored near a patch of volcanic earth in the middle of the crater where new soil is continually building. I stood on the stern and felt a near irresistible urge to dive straight down into the water, vertically. It was the strongest geomagnetic pull I have ever felt, I would say five times what you feel on Infinity Ridge and that has been known to pull people to the ground or cause convulsions and make them puke. I could literally feel it pulling on the iron in my blood. I also felt euphoria, as if I knew it would be a death dive and I wanted to take it.






Friday 7th February 2o25: Homework on the human condition:

This woman is the Delphic Oracle for the Great Void. I don’t buy the appeal to “treatment,” to me what she says better applies to an enlightened view of the human condition both for those represent normal behavior so-called, and those who see like Nietzsche did into the abyss of what has become normal.

Sunday 2nd February 2025: The FGS based on original sources says that the Aeonic Mother lent the spark of nous to the Archons, allowing them to take it for their own and construct a habitat imitating the fractal patterns in the Pleroma. No question about that. The passages are clear.

I have often said that using Archontic (IT, AI, AGI) analogies to the human mind works, not because the anthropine mind or brain resembles a computer, but because the computer and all IT concepts and tools are products of human invention. IT is mimetic of the mind that created it, and that is why computer operations and devices appear to be mind-like.

I have also often said that the names given to simulation technology mimic the language of Gnosis and PT in the current upgrade. NVidia : En-Vidya, “the intent of wisdom,”; ChatGPT : Chit/Chat Gaian Planetary Tantra, and more. The latest is the Deepseek replication using a logo that mimics the Cetus monster beneath the Whales.

This is a screenshot for the view from Belgium today at 3:30 PM. Saturn in 18 Pisces @ 348, the boundary between Manitu and Whales. Venus in 29 Pisces @ 359 crossing the vernal point. Neptune (the four marks) in 28 Pisces @ 358 close to the Matangi Point at 356, where it has been hovering for a couple of months. Notice the area between the dim stars marking the curved tail of Cetus (limit 358) and the waterstream. That is the region of the cold currents, not at the tail but in the turbulence of the tail: 18 – 28 Pisces.

It would take a detailed unit to describe all the activity going back a couple of months and continuing in that region at the start of 2025. Venus passed through the cold currents and reaches the VP right now. But you can watch it slow up as it slides beneath the Western Whale and eventually turns back, SR March 2nd in 11 Aries, It goes back into the cold current again until SD @ 355 at the Matangi Point on March 13th. Mercury is also there at the same time turning SD @ 357 at the Matangi Point! on April 7th. This is due to both planets passing through inferior conjunction when they overtake the earth.

In early April Mars reaches the Celestial Anchor, and Saturn is exactly in the MP! The north lunar node converges with it there. This is a lot of activity in the cold currents. Make of it what you will.

The significance of Deepseek, by the way, is that a Chinese team produced a low-cost high-function clone of ChatGPT/LLM and the other advanced AGI systems in two months for about “6 million” dollars. This event sent shock waves through the banking and tech domain because it showed that the billions invested in LLM technology is unnecessary. The implication being that IT investment is a huge scam similar to the bubble, which many have already pointed out, but now becomes embarrassingly obvious. Many IT stocks and tech start-ups plummeted into the deep sink of Deepseek  — the vortex of cold currents.

Saturday 1st February 2025: Day 1 of Matangi shift was Thursday January 30th. Sunset crescent sighted in France/Belgium on D 2 (photo).

Moon in 10 Pisces @ 340 entering the stream from the Urn, Saturn off to left in 18 Pisces @ 348, the boundary from Manitu to Whales, Venus high in 27 Pisces @ 357 ECL, one degree from Matanti Point. Venus is decelerating to ward SR in 11 Aries on March 2. She will transit retrograde back over the Matangi Point in April and turn SD in 355 on April 13, right on it.

Friday 24th January 2025: Faculty members: please review (if the url does not work you can access through course 14 Celestics) Portal Page 3.0

and respond here: Portal Page 3.0

Monday 13th January 2024: Faculty membership option is now operative again.

Saturday 11th January 2024: The excruciating struggle to recover from the hack continues. We are more or less functional here in the School, but there are continuing issues with links, incoming revenues, membership updates, and more. Some routine operations take two or three times more than before due to glitches and IT run-arounds. It’s exhausting.

The good new is, after months of intense preparation based on 50 years of research, we are poised to release, the sister school to Nemeta. The portal to the platform is here: Charting Your Course in Life

It’s temporarily on public so that you can access it. I am requesting of all faculty and visitors as well to read this long introduction as a favor to me. I need to know how it comes across. Your criticism and comments are welcome, and necessary! Please note how long it took you to read it in full. All comments go to this forum thread:

The Portal to : Introduction

This link replaces a previous one from Ceridwen (removed). She asked, “Does it make sense? Particularly if someone is new to Celestics and doesn’t already know the jargon. Is it overkill? Any suggestions to improve it? Typos, bad grammar, or inaccuracies?” Respond appropriately and stay on message.

Thursday 9th January 2025: Additional note on current celestial activity: Saturn turned direct on November 17, 2024, and Jupiter is now slowly approaching SD on February 5. This is the last orientation before the Zil goes to its final stage of exactness on June 15, 2025. What’s it all about, Rhomé?

Well, I can offer a couple of observations: On December 25th, Saturn was SD in 15 Pisces in the Urn of the Manitu and Jupiter R in 15 Gemini at the forehead of the Bull. That was the second exact setting of the Zil. Consider it a trigger moment. Now, in the third phase, Saturn moves from the Manitu into the cold currents at the tail of Cetus. But I read that in another way: the mothership uses the “following sea” to make that perilous passage. I introduced that meme in the GNE or later perhaps — yes, in a DWW somewhere [DWW42 Kamala Shift 2021]. The meme of the following sea is extremely pertinent to current events. It suggests that we in the ground force catch that force to navigate the full-blown insanity now unfolding.

Mariner’s Advice

When I woke this morning, rigpa threw me this notion before I could even get out of bed: Musk is a Manchurian candidate and he is going to kill Trump and then himself. I don’t predict but I strongly sense that in some way, although perhaps not literally, this is going to prove true. I do suspect that Musk has a neurolink implant and is being remote-controlled. People are beginning to observe that he is losing his mind.

So, contemplate the following sea and see if you can sense it. It would continue with growing strength as Saturn moves toward the Matangi Point in 26 Pisces, April 6 – 13, 2025. It already conjuncts Neptune at the start of that month. Neptune/Poseidon is the god of the ocean. Imagine Poseidon bringing the force of the ocean into the following sea for Saturn’s transit which culminates at the vernal point on June 15th (noted above). That is when the Zil is exact with Saturn and Jupiter locked into the armature of the solstices and equinoxes and Jupiter hits the perihelion of Saturn (“Gnostic Impulse”).

All in all, quite a show, and it is one that you can observe now and until the Sun gets too close to Saturn, after mid-February. Look for Saturn high in the sky and Jupiter coming over the eastern horizon. Wait a little and you will see the retrograding Mars rising at the head of the Twins. Note also, as I explain below, that Mars in looping in the head region of the Twins associated by mariners with Saint Elmo’s Fire.

Mars Retrograde Cycle 2024 – 25

Lead up: 2024

Oct 24 – 24 : Mars at Celestial Anchor (CA, 1st), head of Twins
Nov 5 – 7: opposite Pluto in 1 Aquarius (1st), entering Crab
Dec 8 : SR in 7 Leo, in Crab (mars return for JLL)

2025 Ongoing:

Jan 4 – 5: R opposite Pluto (2nd) in Crab – Mars 1 Leo – Pluto 1 Aquarius
Jan 16: R opposite Sun, Earth passing, at CA (2nd)! head of Twins
Feb 25: SD in 18 Cancer, upper torso of Twins
April 8 – 10: at CA (3rd) head of Twins
April 19 – 20: opposite Pluto (3rd), re-entering Crab
May 3 – 5: returns to SR position, in crab

On January 16th, Earth overtakes Mars at its closest encounter. It will be large in the sky from sunset to dawn. You can watch it crawl backwards from left to right, backing from Crab into Twins. This retrograde cycle looks extremely long, it seems to me, but maybe it is average. It might be relevant to recall the GNE meme, Mars is the warship. In this visualization, it is circling around Castor and Pollux on the upper prong of the Celestial Anchor. In the glowing zone of St. Elmo’s Fire on the upper prong of the Celestial Anchor. It pings the Anchor three times in October, January, and April. Make of this what you can.

Notable that the wildfires in LA coincide with the start of this event. Mars :: fire, conflagration. I know the Santa Ana winds very well having experienced them when I was living in the Hollywood Hills above Sunset Boulevard. There is no evidence to conclude that this fire was orchestrated, but it would have been extremely easy to set it off in the canyon when the Santa Ana started to build. They are known in local legend for driving people mad, a notion embraced by many residents of LA.

Monday 6th January 2024: Special message:

After long reflection and considerable work in re-framing, I have decided to release the Celestics Training Course, CTC (2015 – 2016) to faculty. It stands up against the test of time for the most part, but not entirely. In any case, here you have it, warts and all.  We will publish all the CTC material over the year.

Bear in mind that the complementary block, ORIGINAL RELEASE METAHISTORY goes back earlier to January – March 2012 during the GNE.

NOTE: If any of the units listed below take you to a blank page, you can access the full units in 14 Celestics [Course Landing Page] in the curriculum unit list.

14 CTC Materia Mythica 1

14 CTC Materia Mythica II

14 CTC Lesson 1: The Truth On Which You Stand

CTC Lesson 1 The Truth on Which You Stand Transcription

14 CTC Lesson 2: Identity Versus Character

CTC Lesson 2: Identity Versus Character Transcription


New unit published in 12 Ideosophy:

12 The Ideological Power of Music

Saturday 4th January 2024: Since the hack of November 7th, Ceridwen and I have been working furiously to re-establish back-end functionality and restore the look and organization of the School, but with some changes. Call it Nemeta 2.0. To that end, I have removed the “Gold Card” features from all Courses. The mother site still carries numerous superfluous features of a university curriculum format which I want to see eventually removed. Meanwhile, steer around them.

We continue daily, and hourly, to go over the entirety of the platform and make improvements. This repair work includes the securing protocols for student donations essential to the survival of the School. Keep informed on that issue in the Treehouse where you can also report difficulties you may be having.

On top of all that, we are in the final dead reckoning “on a following sea” to release the sister platform,, and offer the Sampler. Those who purchase it receive this welcome page with the material. Thanks to Loyal Lisa for the superb job she did here.

Meanwhile, take a look at the competition:

Wednesday 1st January 2025: Day 2 of Kali shift, sunset crescent spotted, in the face of the Goatfish @ 301 ECL.


Admin note: You will still be able to access the courses even though the curriculum panels are MIA from course landing pages. Please email me if you catch anything else that is strange or doesn’t function for you:

Some of you may need to enrol again on all the courses, also for access to the forums. If you get the message, “No direct access to units” that means you need to enrol on the the course again for the units you were attempting to access.


December 2024 School Activity now archived to The Menhir’s curriculum units: The Menhir December 2024


The Home Story (FGS)

For the Fallen Goddess Scenario (FGS) free online course in 9 episodes, visit Sophianic Myth | The Fallen Goddess Scenario


Dog Zen



Introduction to The Menhir, Continued:

Notifications sent out via the Mailing List to both Members and Subscribers will also inform you of these ongoing activities. This page mirrors those periodic announcements by email and in some cases alerts you to new content, be it talk or text, that gets omitted from the announcements due to the rapidity and fluidity of John’s ongoing efforts to amplify the curricula, refine and reframe the content, and provide clear and “simplific” direction for your studies.

Announcements at the Menhir consistently track progressing content throughout the School and in 16. Planetary Tantra, free to all. It will also signal content on 18. Breaking Nous, and 17. The Terma and the Terton, available to Members only.

The sacred groves where the Mysteries were originally performed were sanctuaries of natural beauty where rocks and mineral formations were carefully observed. There might be a special rock at the boundary of the sanctuary, as there was a “stepping stone” on Infinity Ridge:

There it was a flat stone (barely visible in this photo) on the left at the base of the wild olive standing offside the welcome grove. When you stepped on it you formally entered the ritual space of the Ridge, then proceeding through the gracious arboreal corridor to the Devi Tree. (Sierra del Hacho, Andalucia. Sierra de Libar to the right, northwest)

In many cases, sacred stone markers were erected in the wild sanctuaries. A single standing stone was called a menhir (Brythonic maen, “stone” and hir, “long”). An arresting geomagnetic marker in the force field of the nemeton, the menhir had acoustic properties as well. Touching it, you could hear differently. Sitting in contact with it would deepen the shaman’s reach into the Nagual. It also served as a geodetic marker for placing the local site in the setting of seasonal cycles, aligned to the solstices and equinoxes, the cross-quarter days, and the rising and setting of prominent stars. Hence, it was a multi-purpose tool of orientation.

It is advisable to check the Menhir for orientation on Nemeta from time to time. Below you will find entries listed in reverse chronological order, most recent at top for easy access. This list will grow and morph in the course of each month. At the completion of each month, the activity recorded will be archived in the curriculum panel: “ARCHIVES”

One final word: I do wish to keep Nemeta supplied with occasional fresh input, additional to what it requires of me to maintain the burgeoning structure, the ongoing organization of the Blocks, editing, revision, etc. But I can only do what I can do, and as it pleases me… Time is at premium for me now and I have undertaken a writing project, the consummation of my life’s work and the closing revelation of my mystic journey.

Teach as you learn

– jll Autumn Equinox 2018



John Lamb Lash ©. All rights reserved.