Fareve replied to the topic A translation of NOT IN HIS IMAGE in the french language ? in the forum Terma Publishing 4 months, 1 week ago
Je serais intéressée à t’aider à traduire “Not in histoire image”. Ca vaut la peine de se pencher sur ce texte si riche et si libérateur de la pensée archontique. J’habite dans le sud, dans les Landes. J’ai habité en Bretagne mais j’ai déménagé. ca aurait été plus simple mais voila, ici il fait bon vivre. si ca te dit, n’hésites pas à me contacter.
Student subscribed for course 16 Planetary Tantra 4 months, 1 week ago
Student Fareve subscribed for course 16 Planetary Tantra
Student started course 4. Gnosis Today 5 months, 1 week ago
Student Fareve started the course 4. Gnosis Today
Student subscribed for course 4. Gnosis Today 5 months, 1 week ago
Student Fareve subscribed for course 4. Gnosis Today
Student started course 3 Grail Studies 5 months, 1 week ago
Student Fareve started the course 3 Grail Studies
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