Brave Seeker, recognize and claim
the dreaming power that brings you here!

Gotta make your own rules, child
Gotta break your own chains
The dreams that possess you
Can blossom and bless you
Or run you insane

The Hawk Written by Kris Kristofferson, sung by Richie Havens

§ March 11th 2024

The New Look of Planetary Tantra

Those who come upon this landing page will find talks and text freely accessible. A selection of units listed below in VISITOR ACCESS is also free with registration by a user name and password. The LOG IN button is on the upper left of the screen. Units listed below as Protected can be accessed with a password available to contributing members of the School.

Planetary Tantra came out after August 2008, going on 16 years ago. I announced at that time that PT, the delivery package for the Terma of Gaia Awakening, would always be free. It is still free, but not completely or unconditionally. Any serious person with determination can find hundreds of hours of talks from me and interviews with me on PT on the internet. If you are someone cruising the Internet for free material to peruse, there is plenty there, along with whatever else may capture your attention.

After 16 years, I find that offering material for free on the Internet is not productive, neither for the spread of Planetary Tantra and the Sophianic message, nor for me personally as a teacher. It is not my problem if you cannot afford to join the School, but it is my problem if I cannot maintain and advance the School by offering free material — on my You Tube channel, for instance.

Recently, I initiated a new series on JLL YT titled “The Great Recovery”.  After ten installments, I realized that I was making a mistake by putting out these talks — once again ! — for free. So I decided that I will no longer post on any Y T channel. Instead, the talks I would have posted there can now be found here. Some of them are still free in the unit in VISITOR ACCESS titled THE GREAT RECOVERY, and some of them are password protected, thus only accessible to contributing members. Without an increase in support of the School, the chances of it surviving and thriving are unlikely. Consequently, I have made these changes in accessability.


§ TO BE OPENED SOON: See VISITOR ACCESS below for other talks accessible for free to registered guests.

Additional to those simple guidelines, visitors are advised to begin with these orientation talks:

1. The Necessity of Self-Love

Talk 1 The Necessity of Self-Love


2. Conversing With Your Divine Mother

Talk 2 Conversing With Your Divine Mother

NOTE: Due to a recording glitch I did not provide three examples of responses to the question, “What’s it to her?” There is only one example: the saltwater oceanic body of the planet is her Aeonic memory of her life in the Pleroma before she morphed into the earth. The other two examples which I did not give are: The freshwater body of rivers and lakes is the memory of what she has experienced since she turned into the earth, and iodine is the scent of her breath. These are not symbolic or metaphorical propositions. They are literal statements of facts in the paradigm of Gaian biophysics.

Regarding the enigmatic assertion that her name is silence. Consider your own name – Susan, for instance. Now consider how someone uses it to address you, “Hey, Susan, wanna go to lunch?” Then again consider how it feels and sounds when you say your own name. Different, isn’t it? Sophia is the primary-use name for the living intelligent, life-harboring superorganism of the earth. But to herself, the name we use to address her is not her name as she says it. Her name is silence. When you hear the silence proceeding from the depths of the earth and expanding into the atmosphere, you are hearing her pronounce her own name.


3. Narcissism: Religious, Solipsistic, and Social (“God Loves You to No Avail”)

Talk 3 Toxic Narcissism

NOTE: I meant to use the catchy term “born-again narcissism” for the religious fixation of Christians. The assertion “God loves you” is central to their faith in God. Were I to talk to a Christian today, I would say that in my humble opinion, “God loves you to no avail.” Pretending that an invisible off-planet higher being loves you will not solve the problem of lacking self-love. That is a brutal truth. Yet it appears to work because insanity goes largely undetected in an insane world. To know what is insane requires having something sane to compare with it.


4. You Are Not A Divine Spark Trapped in the Evil Matrix of Matter

Anyone who comes into PT and the revision of Gnostic teachings here must know, first and foremost, that JLL rejects absolutely the belief that human beings are sparks of divinity trapped in the evil matrix of a material prison. JLL shows on the grounds of scholarly evidence that this concept of the human condition is in fact Talmudic, not Gnostic. The image above can be found on the landing page of, the main website for the promotion of Talmudic doctrines. It leads with the invocation of the Shechinah, deemed to be the feminine aspect of G-D. Go to that page, read what is says and circle back here.

You see clearly what, the popular platform of esoteric Judaism, aka “Jewish mysticism,” says about the figure of the Wisdom Goddess in PT. The narrative of the Rabbi Luria is a corruption and distortion of the genuine Gnostic narrative of the Aeonic Mother that you find in the FGS. It is misinfo and disinfo, but, as you may know, those two weapons of mind control must contain some truth. The truth is the bait on the end of the hook that gets you to bite, to believe, to go along with the lies. The truth is, Sophia when she turned into the earth was captured in the planetary system: in the planetary system, not in matter. The material-sensorial body of the earth is not a trap or prison, either for Sophia or you. Nature is not an Archontic matrix. The FGS explains this event of Sophia morphing into the earth at length, but it takes the narrative in a totally different direction with a totally different resolution. JLL has worked tirelessly to distinguish the Gnostic story of your divine earth mother from distortions such you find in the Cabala and Zohar. Do not believe anything coming from Talmudic doctrines. The truth they contain – more often half-truth or near-truth – is only there to hook you into a web of nefarious lies.

Talk 4 Not A Divine Spark

Correction: 40m. HAL, “simulation, virtual reality,” is a Coptic word, not a Sanskrit word. Curiously, there is no precise equivalent to HAL in Hindu/Vedic metaphysics. There is, rather, the term Maya which does not mean illusion, as often claimed, but apparition, or the emergent activity of multi-dimensional reality. The material world is not an illusion.


The Future of the Humanities

Here in Nemeta, the definition of the humanities is more simple and succinct: they are the studies applied to life for cultivating the moral and creative values and incentives that define and direct the human quest for excellence. They include science along with literature, the arts, history, and philosophy. Excellence is the “Aryan” ideal, from Sanskrit arya, “noble, excellent.” Cultivation of the humanities in this sense is the standard for what might be called “spiritual aristocracy” in our time. The Greek word aristos means “what is best, excellent, proven to be superior.”


As explained in the first talk, everything you find in Nemeta is based on four factors, like the four cornerstones of a monument:

  1. The Primacy of Self-Love: An essential teaching that provides a new answer to the debate over human goodness. Is it innate to everyone? This topic leads into the distinction between genuine self-love and the three pernicious variants of narcissism, the religious, solipsistic, and social.
  2. The Origin Myth: The Fallen Goddess scenario is the master narrative of Planetary Tantra. It supports and frames everything else in the Nemeta. You will find an introduction on This site provides a way to receive the nine episodes by email every five days. (Bear in mind that the FGS is currently in revision toward its final version. Some aspects of the story and some events in the narrative are not quite as you find them in those episodes.)
  3. Basic Practices of PT: If you register free as a guest, you can access many units and participate in the PT forum dedicated to discussing PT and related issues. There is a unique thread dedicated to newcomers on the forum.
  4. The Restoration of the Humanities: Traditionally defined in academic terms (from the Encyclopedia Brittanica), the humanities are “those branches of knowledge that concern themselves with human beings and their culture or with analytic and critical methods of inquiry derived from an appreciation of human values and of the unique ability of the human spirit to express itself. As a group of educational disciplines, the humanities are distinguished in content and method from the physical and biological sciences and, somewhat less decisively, from the social sciences. The humanities include the study of all languages and literature, the arts, history, and philosophy.”

Registered guest: To access the unit/lessons in the curriculum panel below, you need to click the green button: “Start Course” or “Continue Course.”

“Some days I don’t know whether to laugh or cry, so I do both.”

Course Curriculum

Protected: 16 The Bodhisattva Path 1012 years, 10 months
Protected: 16 How Your Sense of Humanity Must Change 1012 years, 10 months
16.101 The Story to Guide the Species 1012 years, 10 months
16.101 PT : All You Need to Do PT in Five Steps 1012 years, 10 months
16.101 Gaia Awakening: Invitation to Planetary Tantra 1012 years, 10 months
Protected: 16.101 Surfing the Wave of Planetary Tantra 1012 years, 10 months
Protected: 16.101 Breathing With the World Mother 1012 years, 10 months
Protected: 16.101 Romancing the Virgin 1012 years, 10 months
16.101 Gnosis and Shamanism 1012 years, 10 months
16.102 How to Practice Planetary Tantra 01:30:00
Protected: 16.102 PT As Interactive Magic 1012 years, 10 months
16.101 Gaian Tantra Vow MP3 1012 years, 10 months
16.102 Gaian Tantra Vow Procedures & Example Text 1012 years, 10 months
16.102 Gaian Tantra Vow Text 1012 years, 10 months
Protected: 16.102 GTT Planetary Tantra Talks 00:00:00
16.103 The Shakti Cluster: A Gaian Tantric Mandala 01:30:00
Protected: 16.103 Shakti Cluster App 00:00:00
16.103 Shakti Cluster Basic 01:30:00
Protected: 16.103 Shakti Cluster 01:30:00
16.103 Shakti Clustergeo 01:30:00
16.103 Vajra Star 01:30:00
16.103 Shakti Cluster Compilations 1012 years, 10 months
16.103 Shakti Cluster App Demonstration Videos 1012 years, 10 months
16.104 Tantric Conversion I 1012 years, 10 months
16.104 Tantric Conversion II 01:30:00
16.104 Toward the Secret Gathering 01:30:00
16.104 Dakini Dance 01:30:00
16.104 Divine Pulsation 1012 years, 10 months
16.104 Dakini Weather 01:30:00
16.104 Dakinis on the Roof 01:30:00
16.104 Heart Drop Medicine 1012 years, 10 months
16.105 All the Devatas in One Frame 1012 years, 10 months
16.105 D1 MahaKali 00:00:00
16.105 D2 Tara, The Selector 00:00:00
Private: 16.105 D3 Shodashi 00:00:00
16.105 D4 Bhuvaneshvari Tara 01:30:00
16.105 D5 Chinnamasta’s Glory (Mirita’s Calendar) 1012 years, 10 months
16.105 D6 Bhairavi 01:30:00
16.105 D7 Dhumavati 00:00:00
16.105 D8 Idris (Bagalamukhi) 01:30:00
16.105 D8 Bagalamukhi as Bridle 01:30:00
16.105 Skatach: Trainer of Warriors 1012 years, 10 months
16.105 D9 Matangi vs the Two-Faced Trickster 01:30:00
16.105 D9 Matangi: She Who Vanquishes Deceit 1012 years, 10 months
16.105 D10 Kamala 00:00:00
16.105 DSD 11 Swan Deva 00:00:00
16.105 DSD 12 Vajrayogini, Tantra Mother 01:30:00
16.105 DSD13 Kurukulla 00:00:00
16.105 DSD 14 Vudasi 00:00:00
16.105 D15 Visvamata – The Riddle of Reciprocity, Human and Cosmic 1012 years, 10 months
Private: 16.105 17 Durtro Lhamo: Protection Circuit 00:00:00
16.106 Desire in Planetary Tantra 01:30:00
16.106 The Pretence of Enlightenment 1012 years, 10 months
16.106 The Union of Desire and Compassion 01:30:00
16.106 The Compassion of Release 01:30:00
16.106 Correction and Selection 1012 years, 10 months
16.107 D8 Idris Shift 2019 1012 years, 10 months
16.107 D1 Kali Shift 2019 1012 years, 10 months
16.107 D13 Kurukulla Shift, December 2018 1012 years, 10 months
16.107 D9 Matangi Shift 2019: The Planetary Vision Quest 1012 years, 10 months
16.107 Running on DOS: Dakini On Shift MP3 (For Beginners) 1012 years, 10 months
16.107 PT 2010 Reckoning 01:30:00
16.107 Year End Review of Shaktis 2009 01:30:00
Protected: 16 JLL Responds to Q & A in the PT Forum of July 2022 1012 years, 10 months
Protected: 16 THE MOTHERDREAM Versus the MMORPGs 1012 years, 10 months
16 The Great Recovery 00:00:00
Protected: Essential Education: The Five-Phase Morphology of the Emergent Self 1012 years, 10 months
  • FREE
  • Number of Units67
Generated with Passion and Intention.  Copyright John Lamb Lash. 2018 - 2024.