The Menhir is the current events/update page for Nemeta—like a campus bulletin board you find in the “student union” building. Entries posted in reverse chronological order can be found with most recent at the top for fast access.

The Menhir

The Menhir is the unique page in Nemeta that tracks and displays the ongoing activities of the School. Here you find the announcement of updates on newly added material, completed Blocks, revisions, talks and texts in progress, proposals of projects, events and meet-ups, and more. This introduction continues below the updates.

Please note: Ensure you are enrolled on the relevant courses to obtain direct access to internal unit links published on The Menhir.


Sunday 2nd February 2025: The FGS based on original sources says that the Aeonic Mother lent the spark of nous to the Archons, allowing them to take it for their own and construct a habitat imitating the fractal patterns in the Pleroma. No question about that. The passages are clear.

I have often said that using Archontic (IT, AI, AGI) analogies to the human mind works, not because the anthropine mind or brain resembles a computer, but because the computer and all IT concepts and tools are products of human invention. IT is mimetic of the mind that created it, and that is why computer operations and devices appear to be mind-like.

I have also often said that the names given to simulation technology mimic the language of Gnosis and PT in the current upgrade. NVidia : En-Vidya, “the intent of wisdom,”; ChatGPT : Chit/Chat Gaian Planetary Tantra, and more. The latest is the Deepseek replication using a logo that mimics the Cetus monster beneath the Whales.

This is a screenshot for the view from Belgium today at 3:30 PM. Saturn in 18 Pisces @ 348, the boundary between Manitu and Whales. Venus in 29 Pisces @ 359 crossing the vernal point. Neptune (the four marks) in 28 Pisces @ 358 close to the Matangi Point at 356, where it has been hovering for a couple of months. Notice the area between the dim stars marking the curved tail of Cetus (limit 358) and the waterstream. That is the region of the cold currents, not at the tail but in the turbulence of the tail: 18 – 28 Pisces.

It would take a detailed unit to describe all the activity going back a couple of months and continuing in that region at the start of 2025. Venus passed through the cold currents and reaches the VP right now. But you can watch it slow up as it slides beneath the Western Whale and eventually turns back, SR March 2nd in 11 Aries, It goes back into the cold current again until SD @ 355 at the Matangi Point on March 13th. Mercury is also there at the same time turning SD @ 357 at the Matangi Point! on April 7th. This is due to both planets passing through inferior conjunction when they overtake the earth.

In early April Mars reaches the Celestial Anchor, and Saturn is exactly in the MP! The north lunar node converges with it there. This is a lot of activity in the cold currents. Make of it what you will.

The significance of Deepseek, by the way, is that a Chinese team produced a low-cost high-function clone of ChatGPT/LLM and the other advanced AGI systems in two months for about “6 million” dollars. This event sent shock waves through the banking and tech domain because it showed that the billions invested in LLM technology is unnecessary. The implication being that IT investment is a huge scam similar to the bubble, which many have already pointed out, but now becomes embarrassingly obvious. Many IT stocks and tech start-ups plummeted into the deep sink of Deepseek  — the vortex of cold currents.

Saturday 1st February 2025: Day 1 of Matangi shift was Thursday January 30th. Sunset crescent sighted in France/Belgium on D 2 (photo).

Moon in 10 Pisces @ 340 entering the stream from the Urn, Saturn off to left in 18 Pisces @ 348, the boundary from Manitu to Whales, Venus high in 27 Pisces @ 357 ECL, one degree from Matanti Point. Venus is decelerating to ward SR in 11 Aries on March 2. She will transit retrograde back over the Matangi Point in April and turn SD in 355 on April 13, right on it.

Friday 24th January 2025: Faculty members: please review (if the url does not work you can access through course 14 Celestics) Portal Page 3.0

and respond here: Portal Page 3.0

Monday 13th January 2024: Faculty membership option is now operative again.

Saturday 11th January 2024: The excruciating struggle to recover from the hack continues. We are more or less functional here in the School, but there are continuing issues with links, incoming revenues, membership updates, and more. Some routine operations take two or three times more than before due to glitches and IT run-arounds. It’s exhausting.

The good new is, after months of intense preparation based on 50 years of research, we are poised to release, the sister school to Nemeta. The portal to the platform is here: Charting Your Course in Life

It’s temporarily on public so that you can access it. I am requesting of all faculty and visitors as well to read this long introduction as a favor to me. I need to know how it comes across. Your criticism and comments are welcome, and necessary! Please note how long it took you to read it in full. All comments go to this forum thread:

The Portal to : Introduction

This link replaces a previous one from Ceridwen (removed). She asked, “Does it make sense? Particularly if someone is new to Celestics and doesn’t already know the jargon. Is it overkill? Any suggestions to improve it? Typos, bad grammar, or inaccuracies?” Respond appropriately and stay on message.

Thursday 9th January 2025: Additional note on current celestial activity: Saturn turned direct on November 17, 2024, and Jupiter is now slowly approaching SD on February 5. This is the last orientation before the Zil goes to its final stage of exactness on June 15, 2025. What’s it all about, Rhomé?

Well, I can offer a couple of observations: On December 25th, Saturn was SD in 15 Pisces in the Urn of the Manitu and Jupiter R in 15 Gemini at the forehead of the Bull. That was the second exact setting of the Zil. Consider it a trigger moment. Now, in the third phase, Saturn moves from the Manitu into the cold currents at the tail of Cetus. But I read that in another way: the mothership uses the “following sea” to make that perilous passage. I introduced that meme in the GNE or later perhaps — yes, in a DWW somewhere [DWW42 Kamala Shift 2021]. The meme of the following sea is extremely pertinent to current events. It suggests that we in the ground force catch that force to navigate the full-blown insanity now unfolding.

Mariner’s Advice

When I woke this morning, rigpa threw me this notion before I could even get out of bed: Musk is a Manchurian candidate and he is going to kill Trump and then himself. I don’t predict but I strongly sense that in some way, although perhaps not literally, this is going to prove true. I do suspect that Musk has a neurolink implant and is being remote-controlled. People are beginning to observe that he is losing his mind.

So, contemplate the following sea and see if you can sense it. It would continue with growing strength as Saturn moves toward the Matangi Point in 26 Pisces, April 6 – 13, 2025. It already conjuncts Neptune at the start of that month. Neptune/Poseidon is the god of the ocean. Imagine Poseidon bringing the force of the ocean into the following sea for Saturn’s transit which culminates at the vernal point on June 15th (noted above). That is when the Zil is exact with Saturn and Jupiter locked into the armature of the solstices and equinoxes and Jupiter hits the perihelion of Saturn (“Gnostic Impulse”).

All in all, quite a show, and it is one that you can observe now and until the Sun gets too close to Saturn, after mid-February. Look for Saturn high in the sky and Jupiter coming over the eastern horizon. Wait a little and you will see the retrograding Mars rising at the head of the Twins. Note also, as I explain below, that Mars in looping in the head region of the Twins associated by mariners with Saint Elmo’s Fire.

Mars Retrograde Cycle 2024 – 25

Lead up: 2024

Oct 24 – 24 : Mars at Celestial Anchor (CA, 1st), head of Twins
Nov 5 – 7: opposite Pluto in 1 Aquarius (1st), entering Crab
Dec 8 : SR in 7 Leo, in Crab (mars return for JLL)

2025 Ongoing:

Jan 4 – 5: R opposite Pluto (2nd) in Crab – Mars 1 Leo – Pluto 1 Aquarius
Jan 16: R opposite Sun, Earth passing, at CA (2nd)! head of Twins
Feb 25: SD in 18 Cancer, upper torso of Twins
April 8 – 10: at CA (3rd) head of Twins
April 19 – 20: opposite Pluto (3rd), re-entering Crab
May 3 – 5: returns to SR position, in crab

On January 16th, Earth overtakes Mars at its closest encounter. It will be large in the sky from sunset to dawn. You can watch it crawl backwards from left to right, backing from Crab into Twins. This retrograde cycle looks extremely long, it seems to me, but maybe it is average. It might be relevant to recall the GNE meme, Mars is the warship. In this visualization, it is circling around Castor and Pollux on the upper prong of the Celestial Anchor. In the glowing zone of St. Elmo’s Fire on the upper prong of the Celestial Anchor. It pings the Anchor three times in October, January, and April. Make of this what you can.

Notable that the wildfires in LA coincide with the start of this event. Mars :: fire, conflagration. I know the Santa Ana winds very well having experienced them when I was living in the Hollywood Hills above Sunset Boulevard. There is no evidence to conclude that this fire was orchestrated, but it would have been extremely easy to set it off in the canyon when the Santa Ana started to build. They are known in local legend for driving people mad, a notion embraced by many residents of LA.

Monday 6th January 2024: Special message:

After long reflection and considerable work in re-framing, I have decided to release the Celestics Training Course, CTC (2015 – 2016) to faculty. It stands up against the test of time for the most part, but not entirely. In any case, here you have it, warts and all.  We will publish all the CTC material over the year.

Bear in mind that the complementary block, ORIGINAL RELEASE METAHISTORY goes back earlier to January – March 2012 during the GNE.

NOTE: If any of the units listed below take you to a blank page, you can access the full units in 14 Celestics [Course Landing Page] in the curriculum unit list.

14 CTC Materia Mythica 1

14 CTC Materia Mythica II

14 CTC Lesson 1: The Truth On Which You Stand

CTC Lesson 1 The Truth on Which You Stand Transcription

14 CTC Lesson 2: Identity Versus Character

CTC Lesson 2: Identity Versus Character Transcription

New unit published in 12 Ideosophy:

12 The Ideological Power of Music

Saturday 4th January 2024: Since the hack of November 7th, Ceridwen and I have been working furiously to re-establish back-end functionality and restore the look and organization of the School, but with some changes. Call it Nemeta 2.0. To that end, I have removed the “Gold Card” features from all Courses. The mother site still carries numerous superfluous features of a university curriculum format which I want to see eventually removed. Meanwhile, steer around them.

We continue daily, and hourly, to go over the entirety of the platform and make improvements. This repair work includes the securing protocols for student donations essential to the survival of the School. Keep informed on that issue in the Treehouse where you can also report difficulties you may be having.

On top of all that, we are in the final dead reckoning “on a following sea” to release the sister platform,, and offer the Sampler. Those who purchase it receive this welcome page with the material. Thanks to Loyal Lisa for the superb job she did here.

Meanwhile, take a look at the competition:

Wednesday 1st January 2025: Day 2 of Kali shift, sunset crescent spotted, in the face of the Goatfish @ 301 ECL.


Saturday 4th January 2024:

Tuesday 31st December 2024:

Day 1 of Kali shift 2024/5

Sunday 29th December: LO QUE SALTA 3.0: Ask a question to the Maine professor.

New unit with five talks published in 15 The Gaian Navigation Experiment Year II

Thursday 26th December: New topic in Celestics Forum 2025 Launch of

Tuesday 24th December 2024: New topic in Treehouse:

Assessory Research for NIHI

Block 3.102 of 13 Mandela Effect Decoded released.
Friday 20th December 2024: View from the galleria at Hag House, Galicia, looking south-west at dawn on the winter solstice. Note the low mist in the nearby treeline on the right. The cloud-like layer in mid-distance is the body of mist over the river Miño. The mountains in the far distance could be on Andromeda, for all I know.

The landscape of Earth’s mirror planet in the Syrene Limb of M 31 is 9X larger than the terrestrial scale with equivalent high porosity. This magnification makes everything appear to be painted in aquarelle, but alive and floating. There are moments at sunrise and sunset when the terrestrial landscape mimics this optical effect. Modification or filtering of the photographic simulation cannot compare to the actual sight, but this one comes close to it. The “literal” terrestrial scene with pines and low mist in the foreground heightens the effect. In real-life viewing, it is as if you look from a balcony out to another dimension.

New topic in the Rookie Room: Proof That the Mechanical Genius of the Human Mind Exceeds AI

Sunday 15th December 2024: I won’t comment again on possible encoding of the Mangione/CEO hit. I deem it too murky and weird to be worthy of time and attention, yet I do see it as a psyop intended to trap the expose the authorities, and cannot dismiss the possibility that there is coding here, a higher iteration of the ME coming to our attention. It’s a big maybe.

On Lo Que Salta 2.0 I wrote: Jupiter (social message) in 16 Gemini exactly opposite epsilon Scorpionis in 16 Sagittarius, the target star of the Archer. Sun on that day in 24 Sag opposite to Earth (the myth you love) in 24 Gemini conjunct El Nath, MORBIDO.” A majority of comments in public media say that the purpose of the hit was to “send a message.” Case in point: Jupiter (social message) is exactly opposite the target star of the Archer (Lone Gunman). Earth (the myth you love) at that moment stands at El Nath, the Morbido star. Got that so far? The signature of the Goddess is always triple. Is there a third factor in the celestial omen? Apparently, there is.

Epsilon Scorpionis in 16 Sagittarius is the source of venom in the Scorpion image. The venom is hatred. The CEO strike is releasing and even liberating mass-scale hatred, no doubt about it. This is a clear and present existential event. But then there is another bizarre item on the scenario unfolding around Luigi, the noble warrior. The number 286 keeps occurring over and over. 286 is ecliptic longitude for Capricorn 16. This degree is close to the star Nunki, currently as E 283 on the elbow of the Archer. In precise visualization, Nunki appears to match the vane of the arrow and the hand on the vane, the drawing hand, but it can also mark the elbow if you picture the action of the  constellation in motion, so that the drawing hand pulls back to release the vane and send the arrow toward its aim. Picture it.

The aim is exactly to 16 Scorpio where the venom is stored, Jupiter opposite. The hit releases hatred. The earth stands at 84 aligned to the Morbido star. And finally, the spooky coding of 286 goes to the drawing action of the bow. Is this event showing the Correction tableau in real-time animation? You can’t make this chit up. This is my last comment, for what it’s worth.

IMPORTANT: Please email about renewal of faculty membership, also not functioning at present.

If you are having a problem with accessing the forums, you need to enrol on PT Course/and any faculty course, to get access.
Saturday 14th December 2024: I am pleased and relieved that Nemeta is up and running, thanks to the monumental work of our two tech wizards, Scott and Mexico Michael. However, something feels odd and off. As if the campus is empty. Also, I am uncertain if my default email was hacked, or merely broke down, or even if the is working. I know that the damage of the hack resulted in some minor dysfunctions in the platform, yet to be repaired. Nevertheless, you and I are in this adventure together and I need to hear from you and see signs of interest and activity.

If you do not usually post on Lo Que Salta 2.0, please put in a word and make your presence known. Let’s get this party started. I invite everyone to focus on the topic of the Eternal Return, also called quantum immortality. How weird and wonderful that it comes at this moment associated with the Mandela Effect. I have a lot to say in the signature essay about the ER, and there is a lot a don’t say, as well. I wonder, is it possible to reintegrate and focus on that topic as a way of rebooting participation in the school? At the least, you can say if the ER interests you or now, if you consider it worthy of your attention, or if it can be instructive in any way.

Let me know. I am requesting a sign-in of all faculty members as well as dedicated quests in The Rookie Room who can also access Lo Que Salta 2.0. The responsibility for maintaining and advancing this school is intense for myself and Ceridwen. What can you do to show us that we are not on our own, peddling like hamsters on a wheel spinning nowhere in the virtual void?

By the way, you do not have to delve into the previous unit/lessons on the ER. That material is extraneous to what’s coming. Hold on to your jammies.

Tuesday 10th December 2024: New topic from JLL in the Treehouse Forum:

Update on Spectral Forms

Units on the Eternal Return previously published will be re-released with editing and additions soon. Plus Audio commentary.

Note the three loops: one for time past, one for time future, and the central one for time running now, nunc stans.

Monday 9th December 2024: Welcome back to Nemeta. Due to a malicious hack, the school has been inaccessible for most of the time since November 7 although I did manage to slip in some new content in the intervals. It was a triple hack that did considerable damage to the infrastructure and back-end functions. Access to the curriculum panels still has to be restored, and you may notice other anomalies as well. Thanks to the intrepid efforts of our two brilliant and generous Tech Wizards, the school is up and running with final improvements pending.

Ceridwen and are taking advantage of the incident to do some revamping in the site and come back strong with Nemeta 2.0. I am on it right now for the first time working with infrastructure and content although, as I said, the school is not yet fully functional. More soon….

Admin note: You will still be able to access the courses even though the curriculum panels are MIA from course landing pages. Please email me if you catch anything else that is strange or doesn’t function for you:

Some of you may need to enrol again on all the courses, also for access to the forums. If you get the message, “No direct access to units” that means you need to enrol on the the course again for the units you were attempting to access.

Friday 22nd November 2024: New unit in 2 Sophianic Cosmology:
2.101 Euler Mechanics of the Parinama

Sunday 17th November 2024: The Nav reporting with some breaking celestial intel. As you know, I have practised skywatching for a good many years. Between March 2011 (Fukushima event at a supermoon) and March 2104, I conducted the GNE which was an experiment in following the course of the mothership through the galactic arms. You will find a summary of what I and others learned in those three years in this talk:

I advise you to re-listen to that talk in preparation of the new navigational intel that I will only preview here as it will require more time and attention to get out in full. The new intel concerns how the mothership sets her bearings by the yaw to the bow (apogee of moon) of the ship, and to the stern (perigee of the moon, following tide). I gave the above talk at a moment in August 2021 when I detected that the yaw at 11 Libra @ 190 in the head of the Virgin aligned with the south lunar node at 6 Libra @ 186 in the same location. At the 17th of August three months ago the two were closer, converging in 6-9 Libra. Remember that the nodes PREcess, moving backwards against order of the zodiac, and they indicate the roll of the mothership. The perigee advances but erratically, like the thrashing tail of a dolphin.

Now compare: On August 3, 2021, the date of that talk, I noticed that alignment with the north node and the apogee both in 5 Gemini @ E 65 in the head of the Bull, near the Hyades and the Pleiades. So there were two precise moments when yaw and pitch combine, then and now, about 3 years and 3 months apart. That means we now know that the mothership takes her bearings at roughly that interval, over and over. Finally, while you are taking this in, remember that a vessel takes its bearing according to instructions the nav gives to the pilot, and the pilot keeps the vessel “on course.” But the bearing is not the destination of the course, the heading. It is only the adjustment of advance in direction that keeps the vessel on course.

Apsides :: yaw, swerve of the bow and stern : the bearing of the mothership
Nodes :: roll, the rocking up and down from one side to another
Pitch: to be described (Look for anomalies in the northern sky, especially with the Big Dipper)

What’s rocking the boat is the effort of the the mothership to release the earth from the capture of the planetary system.  That’s “Alignment.”

What I can preview right now comes from my virtuosity with prescience. Often when my rigpa delivers an insight or idea after having worked it over for along time, it happens so that it brings my attention to something in the celestial sphere that proves to be exactly pertinent to what I realize at that moment. Here is the current example: Last evening I remarked to Ceridwen that the lunar apogee has been in a stall for an uncanny amount of time. Usually, as we learned in the GNE, a stall of the apogee may take 2 and 1/2 to three months, or a little more. That is already a long stall. Well, I checked the navigational parameters and it turns out that the apogee has been stalled in the same place since mid-August. That’s running on more than three months, not two. The location of the stall is 10 – 14 Libra @ E 190-4 aligned to the Grail Cup. I have been perplexed by the persistence of this stall. Then, this evening, I did the calculations and realized, as noted above, that the apogee in stall aligns to the southern lunar node.

In a more complete comment, I intend to describe what pitch is and how to detect it, and see if I can define the navigational parameter for the course, the heading of the mothership by contrast to her bearing. To those of you who may be intimidated and baffled by the technicalities here, I assure of this: The nav knows all that so that you don’t have to master it, and the purpose of explaining it to you is to prompt you to make the real-sky observations that prove what the nav is telling you.

At this point in time, coming through the 10th year since the GNE ended in March 2014, In find that the scope, detail, and precision of navigational observation available is astonishing. Steady as She goes…

Friday 15th November 2024: Recently Ceridwen discovered a couple of units in that had not been copied into Nemeta when we launched the site. They are:

4 The Gnostic Picture Gallery ONE & The Gnostic Gallery TWO: The Splendor of the Mysteries

In a notable incident of synchronicity, The Art YT channel released this video today.

Last month or so, I made the exception of contributing to the Patreon account of The Ark so that I could send a short message to the creator. The reply was even shorter, almost like a shrug. He acknowledged that it was good to see that were are working at the same intent, or something like that. Now think about that. What can you make of it? What do you hear listening to his commentary? Does it sound like an echo of someone? I am not accusing him of plagiarism or copycat tactics. I have no information of his background or where he is coming from. It would be hypocritical or me to question why he does not reach out in the attitude of alliance. I myself don’t have that attitude, as you know. I believe that my views on the revival of Paganism can stand independently of corroboration or even endorsement from like-minded people. Nevertheless, I can’t help thinking that the proximity of The Ark’s message and my own is exceptionally close. What to make of that observation, I can’t say. What do you think? Respond in Lo Que Salta 20 or start a dedicated thread in the PT Forum.


Look at the entry page for his Substack. Given that he has the same attitude as myself, that his work is a stand-alone venture, I find myself asking this question: If alliance is not an option on either side, does that leave competition as the default setting? I can’t see what to do here, or if there is anything to be done. I certainly cannot approach him on my own behalf. That never works. But I don’t mean to suggest that anyone else do it for me. What sticks in my ribs is the question, If two independent platforms are this closely aligned on the paramount issue of our time, how could the authors not be in touch with each other? Does it come down to the selfish concern for losing subs by bringing attention to someone else’s work? I really can’t figure this one out.





Monday 4th November 2024: New unit published in 14 Celestics:

14 Valediction, Virtu, and the Imaginal Role

Sunday 3rd November 2024: New unit published in 7 Poetic Craft:

Fomenko’s Rival: The True King of Time

Saturday 2nd November 2024:

Day 1 BodhiMa Shift 2024

New moon on Friday the 1st in 10 Scorpio @ E 220 in the Cache, Treasure Chest. Today, Saturday, Nov 2 = D1 of the BodhiMa shift. The moon has 14 degrees to go before it appears around E 234 in the left pan of the Scales. Chances of sighting it in the Scales from Europe are low, and further west in the USA it will already have slid into the Scorpion by sunset. This event typifies the nuances of calling shifts. It could be said that for viewers in the USA, it goes to Kamala/Scorpion. Due to various factors, I stand on the call for BodhiMa.

Self-arising wisdom is the natural base of mind.
The five negative emotions are virtual intensities.
Seeing emotions as wrong and undesirable is an error.
Letting emotions find their own level, like water,
Is the poise of the Diamond Sky Dakinis.
Surpassing both fear and hope is the result.

Dog Zen instruction of BodhiMa

Venus is in the Snaketamer on the 20/20 line, high and large in the western sky. On the 4th the crescent will be very close to it.

Tuesday 29th October 2024: Unit added to 4. Gnosis Today:

How the Mysteries Died

Sunday 27th October 2024: For everyone’s convenience, a scroll up/down button added to Nemeta, see bottom right-hand side of all pages:

Thursday 17th October 2024:


While writing the two units released today (see below), a talk with Gregg Braden came up in random feed.

It turns out this interview hit close to home because “Levi” is reacting to a long vid on Inspired, the channel run by Jean Nolan who happens to be an off-and-on colleague of Frank Jacob who created the TimeCapsule webinar. You only need to listen to 5 minutes to get the message Braden is delivering. This is a true gem of wisdom treasure coming from a spiritual guru. With the evangelic zeal of a hair care product salesman, Braden declares the shampoo-rinse-repeat dogma of human divinity, “a force we can all access within ourselves.” [Admin: original interview here Bad Blowdry Braden]

In the new unit on the Parable of the Cache and the complementary unit on the Parable of the Scales, I introduce the Formula of Discovery. Against Braden’s pompous claim, I arrogate: All right, fine, that is the wisdom treasure you have discovered and now intend to share with the world. But how did you discover it?

By now you are familiar with my intensive and long-standing argument against human divinity, the Christ within, Christ consciousness, whatever. It is a fundamental human error due to miseducation about what we are, contrasted to who we are. When left uncorrected, this error supports and fosters many lies and fantasies which give the advantage to human evil and deceit. It strikes me as felicitous for this illustration of the Formula to appear exactly when I am writing about it. One could get into many arguments discussing this new cage/theological claim with Braden or others who hold it. But if you know the Formula, you can go straight to the error and disarm the claimant with a Socratic tactic of dialectic that cannot fail. Either the claimant cannot explain how he or she made the discovery, or, in explaining how, they reveal the specious, deviant,  and inauthentic basis of the claim.

Two new units published in 14 Celestics:

14.100 The Parable of the Cache

14 100 The Parable of the Scales

Tuesday 8th October 2024: New unit in 9 Biomysticism:

9 The Diaphonic Circuit

Monday 7th October 2024:

Course Forums are accessible through the Faculty drop-down menu:



Wednesday 2nd October 2024: Attention faculty and registered guests to a new feature in the School. Some time ago we added a list of forums for each of the 12 Courses, which now appears in the right-hand column of all units. The intention was to encourage comments specific to each Course. After a while I noticed there was no activity and eventually I concluded that this was a good thing. Here’s why.

The mission statement for Nemeta says that this platform is “the on-line portal to a range of in-life experimental learning paths.” My intention from the start was not to propose a program of education in the virtual, but merely to provide a virtual portal for practices in real life (as it is now quaintly called). That being so, I encourage you to take what you find here into your lives as suits your disposition and circumstances. I am confident that you do so. And again, that being so, I find it not surprizing that there has been no activity in these 12 forums.

If I were either a registered visitor or faculty member, I would not be inclined to expend my precious time in virtual keyboard interactivity. The admin tells me that all members read the threads in The Treehouse, but only a handful respond. Again, this is correct and consistent with the way the School operates.

I have decided to address this issue of avoidance of virtual interactivity by adding a unique forum thread linked here on the Menhir: LO QUE SALTA. In the future you will find it at the top of The Menhir posts as seen above. You can ignore the other forums, but, if you are disposed to make an immediate comment on ongoing posts on The Menhir, there is where to go. This way there is a kind of daily hotline where you can respond to what ever jumps at you, “lo que salta,” when you come to The Menhir for an update. Think of it as sharing a flash with the Lash and his entourage.

The post opens with a paragraph I wrote intending to put it at the head of each of the 12 forums to encourage participation. The meme: “lo que salta” comes from Paco de Lucia who used it genially to describe the spontaneous jolt of Duende in Flamenco, or any genuine art form: what jumps out at you, what startles you in the moment. It is likely that each of you who come to The Menhir may have an immediate response to new material or to something in your circumstances, a striking event or brief insight, a thought or quote for the day, whatever. If so, click immediately on the link and make your comment. Make it fast and easy. In future, I rely on this thread in the Rookie Room as the foremost and perhaps sole facet for virtual interactivity, apart from what members want to discuss in The Treehouse.

Tuesday 1st October 2024, next to the last day of the first Shodashi shift. Next new moon 6:68 PM  UTC, October 2nd, the New Hunter’s Moon. A couple of weeks ago I came across the channel linked below. Watching a couple of clips, I wondered if the content was plagiarism or merely excellent parallel work. I still don’t know. I made the exception, first time ever, to contribute $20 on Patreon and wrote a polite note of introduction. Crickets.

There is no question who bought and paid for Peterstein. Be sure to read the comments which are as revealing as the content. I do not suggest that anyone try to contact The Ark in my behalf. I insist that you don’t. I am resigned to exclusion, not only from grifters like Jay Weidner, but even by presumably sympathetic parties who appear to share my orientation and goals. Nothing to be done there. 18K subs is 10K more than me. I can’t explain that but then I don’t need to. It’s a relief not to care.


September 2024 School Activity now archived to The Menhir’s curriculum units: The Menhir September 2024


The Home Story (FGS)

For the Fallen Goddess Scenario (FGS) free online course in 9 episodes, visit Sophianic Myth | The Fallen Goddess Scenario


Dog Zen



Introduction to The Menhir, Continued:

Notifications sent out via the Mailing List to both Members and Subscribers will also inform you of these ongoing activities. This page mirrors those periodic announcements by email and in some cases alerts you to new content, be it talk or text, that gets omitted from the announcements due to the rapidity and fluidity of John’s ongoing efforts to amplify the curricula, refine and reframe the content, and provide clear and “simplific” direction for your studies.

Announcements at the Menhir consistently track progressing content throughout the School and in 16. Planetary Tantra, free to all. It will also signal content on 18. Breaking Nous, and 17. The Terma and the Terton, available to Members only.

The sacred groves where the Mysteries were originally performed were sanctuaries of natural beauty where rocks and mineral formations were carefully observed. There might be a special rock at the boundary of the sanctuary, as there was a “stepping stone” on Infinity Ridge:

There it was a flat stone (barely visible in this photo) on the left at the base of the wild olive standing offside the welcome grove. When you stepped on it you formally entered the ritual space of the Ridge, then proceeding through the gracious arboreal corridor to the Devi Tree. (Sierra del Hacho, Andalucia. Sierra de Libar to the right, northwest)

In many cases, sacred stone markers were erected in the wild sanctuaries. A single standing stone was called a menhir (Brythonic maen, “stone” and hir, “long”). An arresting geomagnetic marker in the force field of the nemeton, the menhir had acoustic properties as well. Touching it, you could hear differently. Sitting in contact with it would deepen the shaman’s reach into the Nagual. It also served as a geodetic marker for placing the local site in the setting of seasonal cycles, aligned to the solstices and equinoxes, the cross-quarter days, and the rising and setting of prominent stars. Hence, it was a multi-purpose tool of orientation.

It is advisable to check the Menhir for orientation on Nemeta from time to time. Below you will find entries listed in reverse chronological order, most recent at top for easy access. This list will grow and morph in the course of each month. At the completion of each month, the activity recorded will be archived in the curriculum panel: “ARCHIVES”

One final word: I do wish to keep Nemeta supplied with occasional fresh input, additional to what it requires of me to maintain the burgeoning structure, the ongoing organization of the Blocks, editing, revision, etc. But I can only do what I can do, and as it pleases me… Time is at premium for me now and I have undertaken a writing project, the consummation of my life’s work and the closing revelation of my mystic journey.

Teach as you learn

– jll Autumn Equinox 2018



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