Orientation to Sophianic Cosmology

Theme Song: Secret Love sung by Doris Day (1954) The video montage is worth a look.

As I compose this card, I cannot help but reflect back on the years since I introduced early drafts of the FGS on metahistory.org in 2002. The sacred narrative is, of course, the beating heart of Sophianic cosmology, but there are also other facets and features to this topic: constellational lore, astronomy, Plasma physics, the doctrine of the Anthropos, Archontic intrusion, the Christ/Christos problem, and more. I advise you to distinguish the mythic narrative itself from the accessory material and commentaries about it.

You might consider the FGS as a movie and the supplementary material you find here in Course 2 as “the making of.” The making of Lawrence of Arabia, for instance. You access the movie from the menu on the gateway page for Nemeta. There you have the nine-episode version completed in August 2020 when sophianicmyth.org was launched — call it the Classic rendering.

Not surprisingly, this course has more blocks than any other on Nemeta. The background material on the FGS is rich and deep. You will benefit from reviewing it again and again over time. Blocks 107 THE GAIA MYTHOS and 108 COCO DE MER present content from metahistory.org that has been on private until now. Note the dates. These units offer a lot of material, some dating back 20 years. I have not revised or altered it for release on Nemeta. I am confident that I can stand by most of what I said back then.

Finally, you will recall that I place a priority value on the exposition of Cosmic Projection — Parinama. You will find that material in this course in block 101. It will eventually include some units previously released on DogZen rather randomly, as well as new content as it emerges.

It remains to be seen if this overhaul plays to your benefit of mine — most likely mine! It is certainly helping me with an overview of work completed and work ongoing. I leave it for you to decide if you find improvement here.

Nemeta Course 2 on Cosmology is, not surprisingly, a vast undertaking with the sacred narrative of the Mysteries as the centerpiece. It goes without saying that cosmology in this modern-day Mystery School is Sophianic at the core, and Sophianic out to the farthest dimensions of space, time, and human imagination.

Some units in this Course present early drafts of the Fallen Goddess Scenario, including the incomplete prose poem, The Gaia Mythos. The main purpose of this course (explained in the gold card) is not to tell the full story of the FGS/Home Story but to tell about the story — hence, “the making of.” Here you have the opportunity to follow how the sacred narrative morphs and extrapolates., especially in block 103 THE FGS IN PROGRESS. I myself am quite astounded by the elaboration of the narrative. You may date FGS 1.0, now called the Classic rendering, to Not in His Image, released in November of 2006. Note, that date is pre-Terma. I inaugurated metahistory.org in July of 2002, five years earlier. Hence a three-moment sequence:

  • July 2002 metahistory.org introduces the FGS, Gaia Mythos, etc
  • November 2006 first edition of NIHI with nine-episode prototype
  • August 2008 The Terma of Gaia Awakening, an event independent of the narrative which, however, would not have happened if I was not at the time living in the guiding framework of the narrative.

As I revise this landing page in July 2022, I have been reflecting intensely on something I need to make explicit about the FGS. Perhaps I have said this before, but I don’t think I have stated it in exactly this way. It concerns claims I appear to have made and possible assumptions I have put forward about the FGS narrative, the centerpiece of Sophianic Cosmology. Please note carefully:

The FGS developed from my initial interest in mythology at age 9-10 in the fourth grade of the little red schoolhouse in Friendship, Maine. Studies in comparative mythology spanning 50 years made its composition possible.

The FGS is the production of a single author and has no precedent in world mythology.

The FGS is a demonstration of what Joseph Campbell defined but did not achieve: a work of creative mythology. It is a work of modern imaginative fiction based to some extent on ancient sources.

The sacred narrative I have composed cannot be found in the Nag Hammadi codices or anywhere else in ancient sources from any epoch, land, or culture. It is a one-of-a-kind novelty.

Source materials (see Gaia Sources in block 107), such as they are, may corroborate in certain ways the plot and activities described in the narrative, but there is no way to prove its veracity by reference to precedents in surviving material. All such corroboration is loose and inferential. Inference is not evidence.

When I claim that the Magians had a master narrative of the scope and complexity of the FGS, I state something this is non-falsifiable. It cannot be proven one way or the other.

Finally, and most important of all, I do not claim that the Magian Order who founded the Gnostic Mystery schools had a full-spectrum narrative resembling anything like the FGS. Thus, I do not claim that the FGS is literally a recovery of a previous lost script, and no one can say if such a written or oral version — the Ur-text, as scholars call it — existed or not. The FGS uses the recovery of materials to construct a novel fiction that stands on its own terms, regardless of how the story of Sophia might have been told in the past. The proof of its veracity comes through living it today and into the future. It is a living myth of novel content and power, not merely a restored version of a long-lost narrative.

Savvy regards to all,
The Maine Professor
11 July 2022

Course Curriculum

2 Immersive Cosmology of the Big Mother 1012 years, 10 months
2 The Sophianic Dream Fugue Identities 1012 years, 10 months
2 The Divine Experiment 1012 years, 10 months
2 The Anthropos in Gnostic Vision 1012 years, 10 months
2 Planetary Vision, Perverted 1012 years, 10 months
2 Look Homeward Gaia 01:30:00
2 Christos or Theleté 1012 years, 10 months
2.101 Parinama Exposition Introduction 1012 years, 10 months
2.101 A The Back End Assembly 1012 years, 10 months
2.101 B The Upper Mid-Range Assembly 1012 years, 10 months
2.101 C The Mid-Range Multi-Lens Assembly 1012 years, 10 months
Private: 2.101 D The Front End Assembly 00:00:00
2.101 Interlude: The Parinama Soundtrack 1012 years, 10 months
2.101 The Rishi Report 1012 years, 10 months
2.101 The Gayatri Mantra – A Sophianic Rendering 1012 years, 10 months
2.101 Prelude in Allariz 1012 years, 10 months
2.102 Sophianic Cosmology Orientation Audio: 1012 years, 10 months
2.102 Autobiography of a Planet 00:00:00
2.102 The Imagined God 00:00:00
2.102 Or Ever the Earth Was 1012 years, 10 months
2.102 The Tragedy of the Mother 00:00:00
2.103 The FGS Ongoing 1012 years, 10 months
2.103 The FGS in Perspective 01:30:00
2.103 The Story Arc of the Fallen Goddess Scenario 1012 years, 10 months
Private: 2.103 Overview of the FGS 01:30:00
2.104 Planet Promise I 1012 years, 10 months
2.104 Planet Promise II 1012 years, 10 months
2.104 Planet Promise III 1012 years, 10 months
2.105 Archon Files: Intro 1012 years, 10 months
2.105 Alien Intrusion 1012 years, 10 months
2.105 Alien Dreaming: Enigma of the Archons 1012 years, 10 months
2.105 ET Deception 1012 years, 10 months
2.105 Extraterrestrial Religion 1012 years, 10 months
2.106 The Fall of the Wisdom Goddess 1012 years, 10 months
2.106 The Constellation of the Stork 1012 years, 10 months
2.107 THE GAIA MYTHOS (2002)
2.107 Sharing the Gaia Mythos 00:00:00
2.107 Gaia Sources 01:30:00
2.107 Gaia Story 1 – 8 01:30:00
2.107 Gaia Story 9 – 11 01:30:00
2.107 Gaia Commentaries 01:30:00
2.108 COCO DE MER (2004-9)
2.108 Coco De Mer Part I 01:30:00
2.108 Coco De Mer Part II 01:30:00
  • Price Options +
  • Number of Units42
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